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A NEW Resolution for the New Year!

2021 Year in Review:

  • Inauguration of Kamala Harris as the first female / African American female Vice President of the United Stated of America.
  • January 6th, 2021 Capitol Riot by Pro-Trump supporters.
  • Successful splashdown of the first operational spaceflight by a private company, Elon Musk’s SpaceX.
  • Withdrawal of US Troops in Afghanistan.
  • Atlanta Braves win World Series (Terry’s home-team!!).
  • Ex-policer Derek Chauvin convicted on all charges in the killing of George Floyd.
  • Minnesota police officer Kimberly Porter convicted for the killing of Duante Wright.
  • Travis and Gregory McMichael convicted for the killing of Amaud Abrey.

This is but a small list of notable events around the world in 2021, and by the end of 2021 we may have felt like we have finally gotten JUSTICE for some of the atrocities we have endured throughout the years.  The convictions may seem to indicate that ‘progress’ is being made, but we as a community know better.  So, as we enter 2022, what can and will we do as a community to be better, do better, and ensure that we will continue to be vigilant in our quest for equality, social justice, and financial freedom?

We cannot get comfortable, because history has shown us that when we do, another black man or woman becomes the victim of police brutality, or a state or local legislative body passes laws that limit our voting rights.  This, in addition to striving to become better husbands, fathers, uncles, brothers, and friends for those who are dear to us. We are capable and able to be all that we want to be, while doing the same for our communities. 

Things You Can Do to Make a Difference

There’s always an opportunity to make a positive difference in your community.  It may not always be obvious what you can do, but with a little focus, and paying attention to the local news, there may be some opportunities you didn’t know existed.  Attend local city council meetings or school board meetings.  See if there’s a local community activist group that you can join.  If you’re part of a union, attend meetings and see if there’s an opportunity to help.  Or see if there’s a group in your community that helps provide transportation for people who want to get vaccinated against COVID-19, or who helps deliver food and/or meals for those who are shut-in because of COVID-19.  If you’re into athletics, there may be an opportunity for you to coach a local football, basketball, or soccer team. Or if you’re a musician, there may be an opportunity to teach local youth how to play an instrument or harness their artistic interests in another way.

Giving back or getting involved in your community is really more rewarding than it is demanding.  It offers you an outlet for your creative energy, enables an opportunity to make new friends, and foster positive relationships.  But more than anything, it gives you the chance to be the best version of you, which can be very fulfilling and enrich your life in ways that you may have never thought possible.  This also enables us to be more positive role models for young people, and encourage them to be the best versions of themselves each day.    

// Klaviyo Metrics